Change the way YOU ARE

I changed my daily routine when I felt like I am missing something in my life and looks like it is working as fine as I am taking daily notes. Change is the law of nature, I was very well aware from the time my dear friend gave me this advice.

Every single day or night, you bring back various shades of yours redesigning the future which is still unpredictable, hesitant and more chaotic. You often wonder I might leave my world aside and move away from this hectic life, still your determination encourages your inner side to keep moving and never settle down. The value of time will comes to you when you form a cycle of changing something, making sure you followed the path declared not by others but through your own mind-set, which is why it took me long enough to think and make a definite plan.

Working 9 to 6 or 7 makes you reluctant to do anything because it makes you feel trapped for most of the time, but no wonder you speak louder than your own thoughts until you do something important for your own sake. From the last couple of months, I have been struggling a lot in terms of managing my working hours, my sleep hours and also my time wasting hours. This was something I was really serious from the time I read articles, magazines or any reading platform which help me learning something new. Also, my reading habit started falling down. My January month target of 5 books got reduced to two books in february and it gotten even worse in March when I read only one book.

Suddenly, I kept asking myself whether I am going to bring some change or not. My morning’s started with laziness around me and my working hours hit me back. You tend to lose focus in everything which you love doing when your mind doesn't belongs to you and it just causes you serious results of irritation and more convulsing body.


I hit back and changed my timings just like a kid from kindergarten will be given a proper time table to follow up. March 30, 2018. I opened excel notebook on my pc and started writing hour headings. I wrote down every single task I am currently working on and currently want to change, I brought back my darkness to light and I saw some light exploring into my mind as well as thinking process.

I started off with reaching office well before 9:30 Am, which is still I am working on to make it little close to 9:00 Am (waking up in the morning time is like winning a gold medal). If you reach at this hour, you will be surrounded by lesser number of people in office with zero distraction and during those one or 2 hours you can work on your most productive thing. For me, these two hours belongs to reading from various sources, preparing a vocabulary small notebook and overlooking to them whenever I stress through whole day. I started feeling like more energetic person.

Going through this sudden transition was tougher for me as at six in the evening I walk down from office and making a move to hustle at gym. Gym time really aspires and inspires me to make the most out from what I had ignored in my life. Those heavy weights to lift up and pull down with ease of your muscle contraction not only creates a soothing vibe but also it diminishes the negativity around you.

After gym session, usually my day ends not there but I had stretched my timing to 12 am with functional skills like coding or writing, and committing my code on gitHub. Previously my sleep was not well, I had to lay down hours to get a sound sleep but now a days, as soon as I lean back, mind starts it dreaming world and I will reach somewhere where I could see clouds just asking question as how was your day?

I would like to continue this habit of mine as long as I will get assured of it that I am running on righteous path.

Change the path you running on, you will feel different.
Change the courage you had now, you will feel impulsive.

Thanks !


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