This word has a personal agenda in everyone’s life whether it will be attaining a certain position inside your working job life, pursuing the studies and wanting more knowledge at the end of every semester or it can be with the athletes of various categories who want to beat their personal best every time they ought to step into the field.

When I look back into my life, I conclude only one thing which is self-belief and willpower. Now, these things have a direct connection to the scenarios we faced in day to day life or set up some type of goal. We try our hard luck in attaining all such things by overcoming our fears and not let another person to have an uncut thought about, what is happening in my life.

When you opt to believe on something you know very well and you want to have experience of that thing, determination and dedication come into the picture. Mostly the determination tells us the main function to overcome small indigenous fear like not want to have that attitude into our life and hence it leads to the formation of laziness and sleepy body. When we set some type of goal in our life, it becomes very much perpetual to gain the knowledge and reach to the top. But what really goes with most of the 9 out of 10 people? They suffer a loss like first few days they will be regular with their routines, making all the proper plan and having the faith going like I can reach up to my goal.

Let me share one example which I knew from my experience, I had come across my people in my life more than three or four who seems to be overweight from their body posture and always try to get fit whenever they saw some actors posting their six packs picture on social media. From the last encountered, in the same apartment, I was sharing with one of the people who set up the New Year resolution as to get into shape, to lose the weight and to be fit again. Now he was very punctual with his routines like going gym five times a week, maintaining a good diet as per the trainer’s choice but what really happened amazed me too? He continued and after around one month he felt very bored whenever he was at the gym, like doing the same thing again and again. When you don’t mix with things you want to attain in your life, they going to bore you and you finally going to give up and this is how one goal you set up goes in vain. So, that friend of mine tried his hard luck in the second month too and instead of five days, his daily routine got disturbed by four to three to two days. And after two and half months he breaks down and never went to the gym again.

When your purpose is not defined and you don’t have the courage to bring up the energy within yours to complete your desire, the determination about that particular thing will going to vanish away.

Bring your purpose for your goal first, write it down so that you can see it clearly with your open eyes, and be punctual with your routines and your goal. Set up the deadline just for few weeks, later you can change two months and then two years for building up the pace. If you do it regularly your subconscious mind definitely going to help you out when you feel low and stressed out.

Be grateful what you have today, belief in yourself first and never let yourself down.


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