Losing Yourself !

Hello guys, its been a remarkable weekend for me as i have completed my four years of engineering degree and there were lots of cherish-able moments which i have spent with my best college mates. Yes this is never going to come and at some point of life i wish to go into these memories and make myself feel good.

Few days back I heard a dreadful news which made me shocked totally, recently IIT-JEE mains results have been declared. And one guy who doesnt able to qualify that mains exam have written a suicidal note and also missing since the day on which results had been declared. 

Every year more than 12 lakh aspirant wrote that exam and only 20 thousand people get their destiny in respected IITs. Well this was the news i heard , from hearing such incidents which primarily happens in day to day life , i literally feel like what will be happening to this youth of India who is more following the outside world rather looking into their capabilities and work on them.

I know its bit harsh that you have putted so much efforts for preparing that exam but life doesn't end their . There might be some other aspects written for you . So dont play with your life so early , just think of the impact that you will leave on your surroundings, your parents then take the decision . Life is precious. Enjoy it with worth smile no matter how hard or how bad your day .



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