Fear and Danger

Good Noon folks !

Its been quiet a while , I have stopped writing such blogs but here i am again back with some random stuff !!

Most likely every human mind on this Earth is made up with equal power of thinking, captivating new things, adopting those things and making our day to day life more cherish worthy. But the problem arises when we try to think more than our capabilities and at the end we lose and all blame given to our luck(kismat) .

Sorry but I do not agree with it, I think what we do we must be presentable and keen in discussing it with each and every human being no matter how much other person is intellectual or not.At the time of interviews most of us had a fear of what is going to happen inside and whether i am going to crack it or not , on the other hand we often go inside interview room with a positive energy.

The impact of danger and fear lies here . Danger is real but fear is choice .
So by danger means we have to look out for possible solutions which will decrease the happening of any event for e.g You are going to give exam within few hours and you dont know about that subject.
It is clear that you did not study and you will be facing problem while writing exam but in approx 60% of the case if you go inside with a positive mind and recall all those lectures you might end up passing that exam , but if went inside by saying i havent study so there is not a single chance of getting through exam.

On the other hand fear is totally in our hands if we fear less ,our work is going to accomplish and at the end of the day you will be happy person . But if you keep ignoring positive side out and keep fear overcoming   your head ,then there will not be any cure which will help you take out from difficult problems.

Well thats from my Side , Both danger and fear are in our hands , if we let ourselves deal with them ,we will happy.
Thank You !


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