
Showing posts from 2018

Imagine the world and See the Result

During this whole weekend, I was much aware of the fact that I have to do something, something interesting, which will thrive my energy to some other level. I plan to switch between my night hours with some wonderful dreams, well, well, well. Boy, oh Boy I have not been to that place where I kept my glance over some period and tirelessly reached at some point where nothing had gone better to my second chance of living. Your world seems to be different when you start looking upside down creating a different side of yours (just as if you change time zone and have to respond accordingly). The shadow of mine left me during those darkest hours of night, my perplexed mind showed me various directions to keep the spirit high but nothing inspired me.   I was always surprised with the way dreams took down night hours, move us from stable to really an imaginative direction, moves down the blood direction in some other planet and changes our main motive for the main direction we seek....

Change the way YOU ARE

I changed my daily routine when I felt like I am missing something in my life and looks like it is working as fine as I am taking daily notes. Change is the law of nature, I was very well aware from the time my dear friend gave me this advice. Every single day or night, you bring back various shades of yours redesigning the future which is still unpredictable, hesitant and more chaotic. You often wonder I might leave my world aside and move away from this hectic life, still your determination encourages your inner side to keep moving and never settle down. The value of time will comes to you when you form a cycle of changing something, making sure you followed the path declared not by others but through your own mind-set, which is why it took me long enough to think and make a definite plan. Working 9 to 6 or 7 makes you reluctant to do anything because it makes you feel trapped for most of the time, but no wonder you speak louder than your own thoughts until you do something...