This word has a personal agenda in everyone’s life whether it will be attaining a certain position inside your working job life, pursuing the studies and wanting more knowledge at the end of every semester or it can be with the athletes of various categories who want to beat their personal best every time they ought to step into the field. When I look back into my life, I conclude only one thing which is self-belief and willpower. Now, these things have a direct connection to the scenarios we faced in day to day life or set up some type of goal. We try our hard luck in attaining all such things by overcoming our fears and not let another person to have an uncut thought about, what is happening in my life. When you opt to believe on something you know very well and you want to have experience of that thing, determination and dedication come into the picture. Mostly the determination tells us the main function to overcome small indigenous fear like not want to have that att...